Winstrol Side-Effects

If you put it into your body, there is a potential for adverse reactions. This holds true with each and every anabolic androgenic steroid, but it holds true with every last over the counter medication of a non-steroidal nature, and in many cases, even with the very foods we eat. Of course, here we are only concerned with Winstrol side-effects, but as is with all side-effects caused by any item there are a few important things that must be recognized. First and foremost, we must recognize what the precise potential side-effects are, then we must recognize their rate of probability, and further, we must recognize what we can do about them should they occur. It is not enough to say "ABC item causes XYZ side-effects" the formerly mentioned must all be recognized to give such a statement any validity. With that in mind, let's take a look at the Winstrol side-effects, and in doing so lead you to safe and successful supplementation.

Primary Winstrol Side-Effects:

There are two primary Winstrol side-effects that carry the greatest potential in-regards to damaging effects; liver toxicity and issues surrounding lipid profiles (cholesterol.) By its nature, Winstrol is a C17-aa anabolic steroid, and as such carries a strong hepatotoxic nature. It does not matter which type of administration you choose; injectable and oral versions both belong to the C17-aa family. With use, your liver enzyme levels will increase; this is assured, but we can avoid any damage of note and maintain a healthy liver as we will see.

Then we have cholesterol; Winstrol is notorious for increasing LDL levels; in-fact, there are not too many steroids that have such a pronounced effect on LDL cholesterol. Further, some may experience decreased HDL cholesterol levels; this is the good cholesterol you need. While issues surrounding lipid profiles are concerning, as is with the liver we will shortly see good health can be maintained.


Genetically Driven Winstrol Side-Effects:

As a DHT derived anabolic androgenic steroid, there are two potential Winstrol side-effects that are largely genetically driven; hair-loss and acne. Men who are predisposed to acne will run the risk of losing some of the hair on their head; men who are not predisposed won't lose a thing. Then there's acne, and for the majority if this occurs it will occur on the back or shoulders. Those who are sensitive to acne will be the first to have a problem; those who are not sensitive to acne will rarely see the first pimple, and if they do it will be minor if at all.

Guaranteed Winstrol Side-Effects:

When we supplement with Winstrol, there are two side-effects surrounding testosterone that are absolutely guaranteed; natural testosterone suppression and testicular atrophy. If it's an anabolic steroid, in most all cases it will suppress natural testosterone production. The steroid in question will carry different levels of suppression and the total dosing will have an effect, but it will occur nonetheless. As testosterone production is suppressed, and as testosterone is manufactured in the testicles the testicles will shrink. This entire occurrence can be problematic as a low testosterone condition can be created, but it is not without hope and certainly not without remedy.

Combating Winstrol Side-Effects:

The above discussed represents the Winstrol side-effects, but thankfully we have the ability to supplement both safely and effectively. By recognizing the points and truths below, you can supplement with this steroid virtually problem free. Of course, we cannot account for unique, individual response; for example, some of us can take Aspirin and some of us can't regardless of how responsible we are with our Aspirin use. Let's take a look and see what you can do to combat Winstrol side-effects, but before we do let us recognize and hold to one simple truth that is the most important of all. Safe supplementation will always equal responsible supplementation, and we can define responsible by supplementation as any supplementation that does not cause you harm.

- Liver Toxicity: Due to its hepatotoxic nature, we must limit the amount of Winstrol we use. Most men should never exceed 50mg per day of 6 weeks of total use. Further, we must avoid excess alcohol consumption and anything else that puts stress on the liver. For example, many OTC meds are far more toxic to the liver than Winstrol, and should be avoided unless absolutely needed. If you can do these things, although your liver values will increase with use they will return to normal very rapidly once use is discontinued and no damage will have occurred. Of course, we're assuming you already have a healthy liver; if you do not then this steroid should be avoided.

- Cholesterol: If you already have high cholesterol, you should not touch Winstrol. If you have a healthy cholesterol range but struggle with keeping it that way, you should not touch Winstrol. If you're a healthy adult, with healthy cholesterol levels you represent the ones who may consider supplementation. By keeping your doses responsible, consuming a diet that is cholesterol friendly that includes plenty of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, you can maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

- Hair-Loss: This only applies to those predisposed to male-pattern baldness, and while you may be predisposed there's no way to predict if Winstrol will cause you to lose any hair or not, but the odds are not in your favor. If this is a concern, you can try supplementing with the 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor Finasteride, commonly sold under the trade names Proscar and Propecia. Finasteride works against the conversion of Testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and since Winstrol is DHT based and DHT plays an adverse role regarding the hair-line protection can be gained. However, Finasteride has a negative impact on hormonal balances to a degree, and as such is not something we're fans of, but it is an option.

- Acne: Many DHT based steroids can cause acne, but typically only in those who are very sensitive to acne to begin with. If you're not sensitive, you should be fine. To combat this issue, keeping your skin extra clean will serve you well; if this means an extra shower ever day so be it. This could also mean changing your shirt each time it becomes sweaty, and more important than anything else this means we must ensure our product is clean and pure.

- Testosterone Related: Testosterone production is suppressed with Winstrol use, and the answer to this problem is straightforward. When you supplement with Winstrol you should supplement with some form of exogenous testosterone; problem solved.